Love our trails partnered with Cape Union Mart to host our annual Mandela Day Cleanup on Platteklip Gorge for the 7th year running. 

On Saturday 16th July 2022 over 30 volunteers joined us for the Mandela Day cleanup and together we picked up 10 bags of litter and scrubbed off some graffiti. 

The day was a huge success, not only did we leave the trail cleaner than we found it but we enjoyed a morning in nature with like minded trail folk making new friends and great memories. 

We have seen a positive change over the past 7 years. Every year we seem to pick up less litter despite a massive increase in trail activity. We believe this is because there are more trail champions on the mountains actively cleaning up, educating other hikers and creating awareness. While we still have a long way to go to put a stop to the litter it is promising to see the possessive change. 

Interesting stats from the annual Platteklip Gorge Mandela Day Cleanups.

2015 – 55 bags

1018 – 30 bags 

2022 – 10 bags


We have also noted:


Graffiti attracts graffiti. Trails with no Graffiti tend to stay clean and graffiti free for longer than a trail with Graffiti. Most of the graffiti is people writing their names and date with a pen or permanent marker. But we have see an increase of people using spray paint on trails and in caves. We are struggling to understand this behaviour and how to communicate with the people responsible.


Thank you to our partners and volunteers for making these cleanups possible. 

Cape Union Mart has been amazing and supported these cleanups since 2015. 

SANParks have supported us over the years providing rangers for safety when needed and removing the bags of litter at the end of every cleanup. 

Lastly, Tuffy has made sure we always have bags and gloves for volunteers.