We are an international movement that aims to get more people to connect with nature while creating a trail culture that values, protects and cares for our environment.

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Cape Town Trail Marathon partners to clean our trails.

Cape Town Trail Marathon partners to clean our trails.

As Cape Town Trail Marathon prepares for a weekend of racing, Love our trails coordinates cleanups to ensure runners get to enjoy litter free trails.

Cape Town Trail Marathon was introduced to Love our trails by Owen Middleton from Wildrunner in 2021 to help remove litter on a part of the route below Signal Hill that runners would be using. Love our trails have been organising cleanups in this area since 2015 and work closely with SANParks to try keep the area clean; but unfortunately the trail has its challenges as it is used as a dump site by an informal community living close by.

The good news is that we are seeing less litter every year, partly because of our efforts and the support of businesses and events like Cape Town Trail Marathon.

Cape Town Trail Marathon approached Love our trails to partner once again for the 2022 trail marathon with a slightly different approach. This time not only clean the trails that runners would be using for the race; but also to support an existing cleanup initiative happening below Lion’s Head on a mountain bike trail that had been left in a shocking state with bakkie loads of litter, drug needles and informal shelters.

Love our trails reached out to CleanC to help with the two day cleanup using the opportunity to employ and train a new team as part of the Brownie Points Good Economy initiative. Watch this space: Brownie Points Good Economy initiative is employing 1000 people in the NPO space to learn new skills and earn an income, while doing meaningful work.

Over the past two days the CleanC team, managed by trail stewards Louise Farrell and Wendy Paisley, and supported by SANParks rangers; picked up over 30 full bags of litter.

We would like to thank Cape Town Trail Marathon for partnering with us and giving back to our trails.

Good luck to all the runners and remember to leave our trails better than you found them.


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